

2019-02-25 16:21










  (1)表示欢迎; (2)介绍毛笔字、京剧、泥人张在中国文化中的作用及影响;


  注意: (1)词数不少于100; (2)请适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。

  参考词汇: 毛笔字the writing brush 京剧Peking opera 泥人张Clay Figurine Zhang

  Dear Chris,

  I'm glad to learn that you are coming to my school to participate in a communication meeting about Chinese customs in July.

  When it comes to the communication meeting, there are several aspects that I am willing to share with you as follows: First of all, the writing brush has a long history in China. It represents one of the four treasures of study, which also include paper, ink and ink stone. Without the writing brush, Chinese painting and calligraphy could not have achieved such distinct features, and thus would not have enjoyed such great success around the world. Second, Peking opera is a national treasure with a history of more than 200 years. Peking opera has become more and more popular with people all over the world, and it has made an excellent contribution to cultural exchange between China and the West.

  Finally, Clay Figurine Zhang is a wonderful and unique national work of art. Clay Figurine Zhang has a variety of themes, which have gained wide acceptance and recognition. In recent years, Clay Figurine Zhang has been serving as a bridge of cultural exchanges between China and other countries.

  By the way, do you have any other help? If there is any demand, I would be very happy to help. I am looking forward to your coming.


  Li Jin

双师东方名师说公众号:双师课堂名师说 (微信号:ssmingshishuo




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