
小学英语阅读:11.Last Dream for an Old Oak Tree

2018-10-10 14:53



Last Dream for an Old Oak Tree

  Once upon a time, there was a large oak tree in the forest. This oak tree was very old. One day during the hot summer, a mayfly flew by and alighted on a leaf of the oak tree.

  “Mayfly, you must be so sad.” “Why?” “You get to live only one day.” The oak tree felt sorry for the mayfly. Mayfly asked, “Don‘t you live for one day?” “No. I live much longer than you do.”

  The mayfly nodded and asked, “Really? Then, are you happy now?” “Yes, I am very happy,” replied the oak tree.

  Then the mayfly smiled and said, “I am very happy, too. Although I get to live only one day, it doesn’t matter. You get to live much longer than I do, but we are both happy, aren‘t we?” The oak tree and the mayfly kept on talking to each other.

  Eventually, the mayfly leaned on the oak tree and fell asleep. “Mayfly!” The oak tree called the mayfly, but the mayfly did not respond.

  It had died. “Mayfly, have a happy dream.” The oak tree blessed the mayfly for the last time.

  Many weeks then passed. Spring, summer and fall went by, and winter came. Finally, the long-awaited day of Christmas came. The oak tree wanted to rest now.

  The oak tree had a dream on Christmas day. In it, pretty flowers were abundant and butterflies were flying in a green forest. In this dream, the oak tree met the mayfly. The mayfly said, “Come play here. It is such a happy place.” The oak tree was very pleased indeed to see the mayfly.

  While the oak tree was sleeping, its roots were cut. It was time for the oak tree to die. The oak tree went to a happy world, dreaming.


双师东方名师说公众号:双师课堂名师说 (微信号:ssmingshishuo




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