

2019-01-07 11:12



秦皇岛 沧州 安阳 邯郸
银川 中山 海口 东莞
新乡 绵阳 包头 西宁



  Henry Ford was the first person to build cars.Those cars were cheap,strong and fast. He would sell millions of them because he could make them in large numbers at a time, that is,he made a great many cars of exactly the same kind.Ford's father hoped that he would become a farmer,but the young man didn't like the idea and he went to Detroit and worked there as a mechanic(机械师).By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first car. Five years after Ford started his great motorcar factory in 1903,he made the famous“ModelT”.This car turned out to be so popular that it stayed unchanged for twenty years.Since Ford's time,making cars in large numbers has helped to sell the cars cheaply.More and more people can buy cars for their everyday use.

  1.Ford's cars were cheap because _______ .

  a.nobody wanted to buy them

  b.he could make a large number of cars at a time

  c.his cars were not strong enough

  d.his cars were not as famous as ModelT.

  2.The famous“Model T”was built in _______ .

  a.1892 b.1903 c.1908 d.1928

  3.Henry Ford was born in _______ .

  a.1873 b.1863 c.1883 d.1893

  4.Which of the following is RIGHT?

  a.The first person to make cars is Henry Ford. b.Henry Ford'father was foolish.

  c.Henry Ford's motorcar factory was built in 1908.

  d.Nowadays everyone can buy a car.

  5.Which of the following is WRONG?

  a.Ford's father didn't want his son to be a mechanic.

  b.Ford decided to be a farmer at first.

  c.Ford made his first car at the age of 29.

  d.Ford did a great thing for the people in the world.

  参考答案:1-5 b c b a b

双师东方名师说公众号:双师课堂名师说 (微信号:ssmingshishuo




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